Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Not as pretty as before, but stronger

Well, it took 3 days of searching for lag bolts, epoxy, borrowing drill bits from two different people, scrounging rebar to use as a tightening agent for the clamp/line.  All said, the actual repair took less than an hour, is probably stonger than before, but looks like it was cobbled together.  Such is life.
Eventually I'll get around to a little sanding and several more coats of varnish to hide the "blemish"


Randy said...

Hey guys! Hope your crossing was uneventful and that you are enjoying Isla Mujeres and the Cruising Life! Love tracking your trip vis Spot. Going to have to get one for Moondance.


Unknown said...

Carla and Matt,
I received your sailing info from Malcolm Jones. I couldn't find an e-mail to contact for you so decided to leave a comment. I am currently down in southern Belize looking for a boat to crew on that is heading up the Rio Dulce. Not sure how far ya'll are or if you plan to stop in Belize. I was crewing on a boat from Florida that was heading for the Rio also. I had to separate due to safety concerns. We however did have the same problems at Marina Pariso with the Mexican Navy along with others. We were there when the pool was up and saw it the day it got demolished;) Anyway, if you need an extra crew with good experience or know of any other boats heading this way, can you drop me a line.



Unknown said...

That big 39' boat that has sat on G dock for at least the past 2 years got auctioned for charity. Looks like they're getting $25k for it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/87-Bruce-Roberts-37-5-39-Used-Sailboat-TX-/360375322345?pt=Sailboats&hash=item53e80b06e9

Anonymous said...

Carla & Matt,
Great to see that y'all are still alive. Bummer about the Mexican Navy. I hope it's cooler there than here. Have fun and stay safe.
