Thursday, August 18, 2011


S/V Escondida
Log Entry:  8 Aug 2011
Underway South to Tobacco Caye Belize
10:07  A distraction. 
Matt says, a little terse, “Oh my, how’d that get there?”, while he’s moving from starboard to port.
I peek out and ask “What’s THAT?”
Matt says “Somehow, we’ve taken on a snake!  He’s wrapped around the grill bracket on the starboard stern of the boat.
Sure enough, there’s the tail end of a small boa constrictor!

Fortunately, our friend Geff, on S/V My Peace is a snake wrangler! 
12:58  Anchored off Tobacco Caye!  Radio over to Geff to come over and wrangle our boa constrictor!  He was there in less than 5 minutes.

So, after we got our stowaway stowed in a pillowcase, we took it to shore to find out what we could do with it.  The first person we asked, said to go ahead and release it there.  The second person we asked said, do not release it on this island, take it over to the mangrove cayes of Tobacco Range.  But first we had to terrorize a few people and thrill others.

Above is the bar at Tobacco Caye Lodge.  Those of you who have been on charters with us here have been here before!  He is opening for business as Geff shows off our snake.

Below, Melissa, one of the local business owners, was fascinated with the snake and wanted to terrorize her neighbors.  She has the snake on her left arm.  Watch the little boy inch his way over and finally, his dad catches him and makes him get close!!!

Still havin' fun....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

For those of you watching the SPOT

I'm beating my head on the wall trying to get the SPOT to display the track properly..........without too much input from me.........so far no success. 
So until I figure it out to work in a more automatic fashion, here's the link


Good luck, and I'll work more on the doohicky at the bottom of the blog page.

Xcalak dog days

We will have more posts, especially, now that we have more frequent access to the internet!  Below is a story from one afternoon in the lovely beachside town of Xcalak, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

So, one afternoon, Matt and I are kickin’ back at Toby’s, when we spy a couple local pups conspiring on how to get an afternoon snack!  The pictures should speak for themselves, but pay attention to the two different methods the dogs used…

First they have found WHERE lunch is going to come from

Now, who gets to go first?

Method One

OK, that worked…

Method Two

Take a good look INSIDE trash can, I wasn’t quick enough to get him jumping in!

No one sees me…


The truth is somebody besides us DID see him.  A young lady was walking down the street and I greeted her with a cheerful “Buenos Tardes”.  She very politely responded, while trying to figure out why I was laughing and taking pictures of a trash can.  I told what was under way and to keep an eye on the can.  Sure enough he pops his head out and her eyes got wide and she covered her mouth (much like a Geisha would) and giggled loudly, turned and ran the other way calling a lady’s name.  The dog belonged to the hotel owner two doors down!